Swimming in a sentence as a noun

For me, there's nothing like swimming a 1500m or 3000m run.

Next week, I'm going to start swimming lessons - in my twenties!

If the boat flips - you better hold your breath and start swimming and hope it comes back upright.

For all the hand-wringing over surface and bing, MS is swimming in money on the enterprise side.

But in swimming, it is very difficult to accidentally over-exert yourself...you'll get too tired.

You're swimming in a sea of emotions as your brain randomly wanders off into different states, sometimes many at once, sometimes you get stuck in one.

Swimming in a sentence as an adjective

I'm also surrounded by green space and parks, schools and swimming pools are walkable and we're planning on building out space for a public library and other amenities soon.

As usual, Stallman was not only ahead of his time, but also swimming against the tide of conventional wisdom, immediately after the attacks of 9/11.

As a progressive younger person who has been swimming in internet culture for 15 years now, I find my attitude, wants, needs, and desires are almost completely left out of pop culture.

It may very well be that Broder got a swimming pool full of BP-money in his offshore hideaway...but isn't it possible that just maybe, that Elon Musk has a vested interest in advocating for Tesla?

In two decades of bike commuting, I've had my bicycle stolen three times, and with a lot of effort and a lot of luck I've recovered it all three times.#1: I was 19 and had ridden it to a local swimming hole, stashing it in the woods.

Given their social networking dominance, their swimming pools filled with vc money, and the top engineers working for them, does anyone else feel like Facebook are underachievers?Considering they had to have known about G+ for a while before it launched, you would think they would really hit something out of the park in terms of competitive features.

Proper Noun Examples for Swimming

Swimming is great, but not everyone has warm weather all year long or likes swimming pools.

Swimming definitions


the act of swimming; "it was the swimming they enjoyed most": "they took a short swim in the pool"

See also: swim


filled or brimming with tears; "swimming eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid"

See also: liquid


applied to a fish depicted horizontally

See also: naiant