Apogee in a sentence as a noun

Windows 2000 was for me the apogee of 2D design.

If there was a plane change coupled with the second burn at high apogee, it could explain it.

Then at perigee you burn to raise your apogee out to the altitude you want.

To raise perigee in the most efficient manner, you accelerate prograde at apogee.

Problem is, it's not easy to tell when the bird is at apogee, and it may not even occur before you lose control of the bird and the next appears.

The reason they temporarily raise their apogee so high is that it reduces the delta-v cost of changing inclination.

Circular transformation is done by firing onboard motor at apogee.

Inclination changes are less expensive the 'higher' up you are, so SES8 is in an orbit with an apogee almost twice as high as its eventual orbit.

Standard orbital astromechanics apply: to circularize, thrust at apogee to raise your perigee.

Also, the thrusting resolution is rather coarse: if the apogee is any higher than about halfway to the edge, two clicks will send the bird into the barrier, so you only get one attempt.

Indeed, after today, an administrative agency acting within the sphere of its expertise enjoys more discretion than does Congress when acting in the realm in which its power was once viewed to be at its apogee.

For example, a good way to circularise an orbit from an elliptical, a small tangential thrust at apogee during each orbit would eventually place the spacecraft in a circular orbit with a radius roughly equal to the apogee distance of the elliptical orbit... or to say it another way, perigee would increase until it equalled apogee...Anyway, the point being that I never would have understood any of this no matter how many times I read 2010, until I wrote that little game.

Apogee definitions


a final climactic stage; "their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development"

See also: culmination


apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth