Sweetening in a sentence as a noun

After not sweetening coffee, I find the cream complements the coffee flavor.

I could see them "sweetening the deal" for ChromeOS/Chrome in schools to not be able to install external extensions at all.

This is not really any less "adding sugar" than sweetening a product with sugar concentrated from sugar beets or corn.

Most of the commercial CO2 in the US is captured from natural gas 'sweetening' or from fertilizer production.

Yes, we could all be sweetening our products with cane sugar and equatorial sugar farmers could be making a great deal of money.

If you are going to be a solid, profitable customer for a business, they have a clear incentive to get you on board by sweetening the deal.

So, I have a vague feeling that "sweetening the deal" when making a change like this can seem like apologizing, and apologizing means you've done something wrong.

My point is whether or not DRM is actually effective, has nothing to do with the user and everything to do with sweetening contract deals for more dosh at this point.

Likewise companies now competing for candidates also receiving offers from you now have an easier time sweetening their offers, and so forth and so on.

Yeah but the problem is, reasons for a career change are highly personal, and by the time the employee wants to leave, it's usually already too late to keep them by sweetening the deal.

The effect were also not seen in sweetened non-carbonated beverages, so it must be some interaction between the sweetening and the carbonation.

Maybe it's time tech companies let their engineers globally work remotely from comfortable places, instead of parking them into metal boxes and sweetening the deal with catered lunches.

"Which foods and beverages contain GFS?Because of the limited availability in Europe, the products in which GFS is used, are those where the sweetening power and other qualities are needed simultaneously.

Sweetening definitions


something added to foods to make them taste sweeter

See also: sweetener


an improvement that makes something more agreeable

See also: enhancement


the act of adding a sweetener to food