Supercharge in a sentence as a verb

The blockchain never forgets!And, a few policy changes could supercharge this map.

If only they could get the price for a supercharge-capable car down to $30k, then I'd be happy to get one.

- and the driving in circles, although it would be interesting to know just how clearly marked that supercharge station is.

Waiting for a supercharge doesn't add much time to the trip unless you normally tend to drive 10 hours straight without answering the call of nature.

While we wait for TM2, you can supercharge/augment TextMate 1's full-project search capabilities with ackmate.

Why couldn't he just stop and charge when he was super low at any normal charge station, and explain in the article that the two supercharge stations, failed?

And it's quite possible that getting rid of daily dependence on individual spending is the best way to supercharge an economy.

As several Model S owners have demonstrated [1], it is entirely possible to drive round-trip from Milford to Groton on a single supercharge.

"That's a perfect storm scenario right there, because now he thinks that he does have the extra range and that braking is good for the car and that the car is simply misreporting what it can do. Confirming this, he makes it to the Milford supercharge with less than 0 miles of range, and charges it back up again to 185 miles.

Being naturally curious and autodidactic seems like a necessary requirement, but having a good mentor can really supercharge how quickly you progress.

Together, we will create amazing user experiences that supercharge the entire Android ecosystem for the benefit of consumers, partners and developers everywhere"and"Our acquisition of Motorola will increase competition by strengthening Googles patent portfolio, which will enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies.

Proper Noun Examples for Supercharge

Find it interesting that they ask that question on the supercharger FAQ but don't answer it:"How often can I Supercharge?

Supercharge definitions


increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"

See also: boost advance


increase the pressure on a gas or liquid

See also: pressurize pressurise