Pressurise in a sentence as a verb

And with any judgement, they can pressurise the guy making the call.

A380 and 787 both pressurise around 6000ft height equivalent as opposed to 8000ish on older planes.

Are you implying that Bitcoin investors should pressurise or threaten Satoshi in some way?

I would assume that avenue has been tried -- so this project is to pressurise him into opening up to the idea.

Perhaps a bit of excess H20 condensation in a LOX valve caused an ice dam to form and the supply line to over-pressurise.

People from countries with vested economic stakes in these gulf countries etc could do well to pressurise their governments to demand accountability.

The trouble with blowing a hole in the tube somewhere to re-pressurise is that whatever is inside the hole is hit by a wall of air travelling somewhere around the speed of sound.

So if you want to pressurise your reactor vessel to reactor vessel to 30 atmospheres, you can pretty much look up a table that'll tell you precisely how thick the reactor walls need to be for each of the commonly used materials.

If therefore facebook is propagating some misinformation to suggest that holocoust did not happen, the members of society have every right to protest, influence, pressurise it, etcetera, to conform.

The Space Shuttle was perfectly capable of carrying its main fuel tank into orbit... I always wondered why they didn’t do that as standard, then later connect up all the now empty tanks, pressurise them and hey presto, instant space station, far bigger than the ISS.

Pressurise definitions


increase the pressure on a gas or liquid

See also: supercharge pressurize


maintain a certain pressure; "the airplane cabin is pressurized"; "pressurize a space suit"

See also: pressurize


increase the pressure in or of; "The captain will pressurize the cabin for the passengers' comfort"

See also: pressurize