Subdivision in a sentence as a noun

My whole subdivision and the major 4 lane road that goes past it was all build 6+ years ago.

You need some special coding or hardware, they've got a whole subdivision of those guys on 24-hour call.

According to our neighbors, our subdivision's entire phone network went down too.

No one would have to buy a whole house, just participation in one or more homes, perhaps a subdivision or even a city.

An enterprising subdivision developer realizes they can get more money if they can assure you that none of these things will happen.

Instead, they draw up a set of rules governing future use of the property, and they require anyone who buys a house in the subdivision to sign a contract agreement to be bound by them.

And so I live in a cheaply developed suburban subdivision, in a cheaply built home, on cheaply constructed furniture, using a discounted laptop.

Just to clear things up:- a state with lower-case S is a subdivision of a Federal Country.- a State with upper-case S is a synonym of Country.- All members of the EU are States/Countries.

The modern subdivision - full of meandering streets and poor connectivity to nearby arterials - is deliberate.

Given the harm that clumsy estimation, and naieve subdivision of labour from disinterested managers causes to the software industry it should be required reading.

Most production facilities wind up implementing their own version of subdivision surfaces for other production tools, but still rely on Pixar's implementation for rendering.

Not just fine-grained subdivision of property rights, but concurrent use mediated by tort-like mechanisms of enforcing "sociable" behavior.

You must be just as horrified as anyone else at the prospect of living in a subdivision where you are miles away from anything apart from houses, or where you literally cannot walk to town, or from one shop to another across the road, because of a lack of pedestrian access.

When that person receives the cypher, if he XOR's the cypher with the key, out will pop the original message!The only visual difference to this method vs that in the linked article is that the message won't start to show up when you're a pixel or two out of alignment because there is no four-pixel subdivision.

Subdivision definitions


an area composed of subdivided lots


the act of subdividing; division of something previously divided


a division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"; "botany is a branch of biology"; "the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages"

See also: branch


a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section"

See also: section


a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided

See also: subsection