Subsection in a sentence as a noun

It only increases the subsection of hardware I won't buy.

Is there a subsection of the Talk history that I'm missing / can Talk history be deleted?

All of the subsections require something more than mere access, and all require "knowing" intent.

It's a subsection, and probably even a vocal minority, of those who play games.

It even has a subsection "But isn't matrix multiplication a pretty niche requirement?

He's designed a nice blog template, not something that produces several hundred of stories a day over dozens and dozens of subsection.

And a decade from now, long after Aaron has disappeared from the press cycle, she'll make a run for Senate or Governor and his prosecution will likely be nothing more than a subsection of her Wikipedia bio. These are the sad realities of politics in Massachusetts.

And it was pretty trivial to just create a wave for each section of each document, then use top level comments in the Wave for each subsection, and capture everybody's brainstorming for each section.

I think what the GP means is that there is a very vocal, very vitriolic subsection of the feminist movement that claim there is NO reason for the differences in men and women, other than the historical repression of women by men.

Subsection definitions


a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided

See also: subdivision