Synonym in a sentence as a noun

First off: the use of "obvious" in the law is technical, and not a synonym for "simple".

"Ad hominem" is not a synonym for "personal.

It really bothers me that the word "meme" has become a synonym for these Advice Animal style images.

How is the "social interaction around pull requests" not just a synonym for "code review?

And "underwhelming" is not a synonym for "terrible".

A synonym might be a "justifier" or "oppressor" or even more simply "someone who has not yet been oppressed.

But the children who watched Loony Tunes didn't get the joke and so they assumed it was a synonym for "stupid and incompetent.

TFA uses terminology which "Reader Daniel Hooper" will understand, and in which RAM is a synonym for "main memory".

It's funny how "discrimination" has become a synonym for "bigotry.

"Alternative school", in my experience, is a very specific term and not just a synonym for "another, different school".

I haven't noticed any extraordinary synonym replacements myself, though, the stem's always been the same...I hope their search quality improves.

Thinkpads have evolved to a point where - regardless of IBM or Lenovo being the brand behind the product line - the name is a synonym of dependability and quality.

Or to maybe put it even more bluntly: If you don't consider investigative reporting to be news, then "news" becomes a synonym for what we would generally call "propaganda".

The word personality seems to be used here as a synonym for "word-choice features we can extract from a text corpus".If anyone thinks this gives useful predictors outside of the context of "what will they Tweet next?

Chemical has become a synonym for something artificial, adulterated, hazardous, or toxic.

Personally, I like the previous "did you mean" behavior; if Google thinks I misspelled a word, or that I want a synonym, by all means give me the alternative, but by default I want the exact query I searched for, because more often than not I really did mean what I searched for rather than what Google thought I meant.

Synonym definitions


two words that can be interchanged in a context are said to be synonymous relative to that context