Steamroller in a sentence as a noun

That is what steamroller will do, increase IPC.

A programmer who isn't very creative may plow through tasks like a steamroller.

Myspace just had a crappy product that couldn't keep up with the Facebook steamroller.

It destroys false pre-conceptions about yourself like a steamroller, and then it helps you build the correct notions back up.

If they can run steamroller at these clocks and Intel doesn't do something radical, AMD will be "top dog" again for the first time since Athlon 64s were killing P4s.

Steamroller in a sentence as a verb

In the derivatives world, there's a saying for trying to bet against highly unlikely events with catastrophic risk for small gains: "picking up nickels in front of a steamroller.

If you’re storing user credentials MD5-ed without salt, you’ve put an thumb tack in front of a steamroller - just a minor annoyance that won’t offer you any real security.

" The issue is when you pick up enough nickels and watch for the steamrollers vigilantly first few times, you grow complacent and think that you are the master of nickel pickers and steamrollers are slow mofo's.

The "steamroller" problem is an artifact of the anti-intellectual business culture, not technology.

At which point it's not really gambling any more, it's just making money!If your net exposure is small, but that's only because you're offsetting various positions then you're probably picking up nickels in front of the volatility steamroller & if you stay in the market long enough you'll get squashed at some point.

Steamroller definitions


a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way

See also: juggernaut


vehicle equipped with heavy wide smooth rollers for compacting roads and pavements


bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"

See also: steamroll


proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"

See also: steamroll


crush with a steamroller as if to level; "steamroller the road"


overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"

See also: steamroll


make level or flat with a steamroller; "steamroll the roads"

See also: steamroll