Steamroll in a sentence as a verb

I'm also a crusader on this issue, as you know, so don't let me steamroll the thread.

So bad, she's traumatized and he's trying to steamroll her just like he has everything else probably in the last couple years...Ooops!

We need big corporations to accrue patents and public approval so that they can steamroll the rest of the industry many years down the line.

Microsoft earned the ire of geeks everywhere in the 90s and it's a grudge many can't let go. Meanwhile you let Apple and Google steamroll you all by showing you what a real closed ecosystem monopoly really looks like.

The process is here to protect the web's interests regardless of whether any one actor's intent is good or not. If Google steamrolls everyone today, who will steamroll everyone tomorrow?

The fact that Google is willing to steamroll over consensus with its market power even in the face of technical arguments is precisely the problem here.

If you rely on that, then you've made it fairly easy for a big company to steamroll over a legitimate small inventor, since they won't have the resources to compete with your legal team, and they can't sell the patent to someone who does have the resources since that person would then be labeled a troll.

SJWs do not have my best interests in mind--99% of it's a show to demonstrate how pious and dedicated they are to being a morally superior person, and it seems that a lot of times that demands you ignore and steamroll over the very disadvantaged people you somehow have self-appointed yourself the designated speaker for.

Steamroll definitions


bring to a specified state by overwhelming force or pressure; "The Senator steamrollered the bill to defeat"

See also: steamroller


proceed with great force; "The new teacher tends to steamroller"

See also: steamroller


overwhelm by using great force; "steamroller the opposition"

See also: steamroller


make level or flat with a steamroller; "steamroll the roads"

See also: steamroller