Pious in a sentence as an adjective

We don't need your pious ******** right now.

If the pious want to join with the technorati against this for religious reasons, I would welcome them.

There's probably some other things that would seem ridiculous, maybe all the pious preaching on July 4th, I dunno.

Now, calling it "soul"... that's just openly inviting every faith in the world to, at best, hijack your theory with pious, well-meaning BS.

"Testing is a tool for helping you, not for using to engage in a 'more pious than thou' dick-swinging my Cucumber is bigger than yours idiocy.

He's the sort of pious liberal that makes intellectually minded and honest liberals crazy because of his tendency to repeat various kinds of half-truths.

" Yet, culturally, she was brought up to just say she was CofE and a Christian because, culturally, she lived that way without ever being pious or knowledgable about the theology of it.

Your pious attitude and haughty implication that bfe's knowledge is only a result of an evening's browse through Wikipedia is far more offensive to me than anything he/she wrote.

SJWs do not have my best interests in mind--99% of it's a show to demonstrate how pious and dedicated they are to being a morally superior person, and it seems that a lot of times that demands you ignore and steamroll over the very disadvantaged people you somehow have self-appointed yourself the designated speaker for.

Pious definitions


having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity; "pious readings"