Sprawling in a sentence as a noun

I have a hard time holding this against him. Managing a sprawling forum site is a hard problem.

Has this person not actually been on the Internet?There is a huge, sprawling market of art online.

Microsoft's brief could be equally sprawling or limited to a single aspect of Oracle's claims.

The towns, cities and trains in Europe I see on travel shows just look prettier than the sprawling pattern of chain restaurants and gas stations I see here.

Submitting a ballot every few years is a very weak foundation for a government as sprawling and powerful as most modern and western ones.

It does away with the power, which is the entire point of having a sprawling bureaucracy - so people like Reid and Boehner and Pelosi can act like they're little kings.

Sprawling in a sentence as an adjective

Everyone knew that once Homeland Security was created it would become a sprawling, pervasive, and never-ending drain on the country.

Our rights aren't being lost to a sprawling military-police state just because there's a Big-Brother wannabe conspiring to destroy the constitution.

While the President is the front-man and sets the agenda, the work is done and policy is made by anonymous officials in the sprawling bureaucracy.

To stay relevant to young people suburbs need to transform themselves from sprawling, car oriented strip malls to compact, walkable, transit oriented, complete small cities and towns.

It's really not necessary or even much of a convenience in Copenhagen to have a car. Don't Americans have more cars because American cities are sprawling, have little public transportation and few sidewalks?

The technical state of the OS doesn't inspire much confidence either: the UI framework has been reset several times in the past few years, so although they have a sprawling Linux distribution, there isn't really a phone UI yet. "Don't worry," say the people in charge, "this latest framework is so great that we'll whip up a smartphone experience in no time!

Sprawling definitions


an ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about

See also: sprawl


spreading out in different directions; "sprawling handwriting"; "straggling branches"; "straggly hair"

See also: straggling rambling straggly