Straggling in a sentence as an adjective

I set up my gmail to fwd any straggling emails to my new email.

This has nothing to do with "straggling" or expected "effect size".

I don't know that I have ever seen a straggling DNS update take a week, but I have seen many take 3-4 days.

At some point when the new product is mature enough you can look at how to move the last straggling customers over.

We are in the horrible position of supporting some straggling IE6 users.

" Correctness is my vade mecum, And straggling phrases I abhor, And yet I wondered, "What should he come Up from out of in under for?

Q: Is the author saying that the straggling & plundering happened because of the annoyance at eating fire cake?

Besides, it is a pretence for straggling, and affords opportunities to plunder and maraud.

Yes you will get the "nutters" and the usual suspects that claim that red tape straggling their business as it wont the then to behave like complete ***** to people.

It would be very difficult to expect some kind of unit testing with that many straggling race conditions bouncing around.

Shallow pools on the muddy concrete floor caught and reflected the limbs of the dwarf trees, the bare pale roots straggling down into makeshift tanks of hydroponic fluid.

The final step in particular is less elegant, but straggling cleanup operations are everyday things and well worth the better performance, to me.

Organizations which have a chronic problem with people straggling into meetings 10 or 20 minutes late are likely enabling the behavior.

For those soldiers deciding to keep their flour ration, they either transformed it into a very rough “fire cake” cooked in the coals of a nearby fire or traded it with the local country folk; many instances of straggling and plundering then ensued.

Socratic - as in seriously concerned with a logical journey of discovering the essence of what is important - dismissing irrelevance and having little patience for straggling or argument.

It's interesting that functional programming is becoming more popular while functional languages are straggling behind a bit, but I think there's a contributing factor besides just imperative languages borrowing features: IO & error handling.

Thanks man. Building on previous knowledge seems like a good advice, i was mostly closed up in my work and by nature i don't like joining forums and looking up what other devs do, so when i started freelancing regularly, i found it to be necessary to keep up with the world, i guess i wanted to be one of the good developers when i started learning, and somewhere i started overestimating them thinking they can do anything and learn everything, all the while they were just regular people straggling like i was to keep up

Straggling definitions


spreading out in different directions; "sprawling handwriting"; "straggling branches"; "straggly hair"

See also: sprawling rambling straggly