Snooze in a sentence as a noun

> why would you want to snooze an email? I use my Gmail inbox as sort of a todo list.

Then I would hit the snooze button forever. With no alarm, I just get up the first time I wake up in the morning.

I thought Godel, Escher, Bach was a total snooze. It was like 800 pages of Hofstadter trying to prove he was clever.

It's seriously life changing - no more hitting snooze 17 times in a row... The downside is, I miss the taste of coffee.

The approach described in the first paragraph led to the invention of the snooze button.

>If you wake up having hit a snooze button that you didn't consciously push, is that your fault? Absolutely.

I think I'll hold out for the wearable version that slashes my wrist automatically after hitting snooze more than 2 times.

Snooze in a sentence as a verb

What annoys me most is hitting snooze by mistake, you then have to open the clock app to toggle it off and on. Otherwise you alarm goes off while you are in the shower, resulting in angry wife!

> Adding the snooze function has helped decrease the churn rate down to just 2%. > By adding more products and flexibility, the average order size increased by 84%.

Then when I wake up, I can hit that snooze button because apparently 60 - 9 minutes is plenty of time to get 50 minutes of stuff done. Then I hit it again, because I'm sure I can just do things a little quicker.

It was always a struggle, and I would usually hit snooze a few times before I actually managed to struggle out of bed. Even if I happened to go to bed early enough to get 8 hours' sleep, I'd have trouble getting up.

When I'm asleep I'm just sleeping; when I hit snooze, though, I get 30 seconds of "awwww yeeahhhhhhhhhhhh&;&." I don't use an alarm anymore because my sleep is so consistent and I don't have a morning role call, but when I did, it was awesome to be able to settle back in.

How about this for a reason: One of the first big snooze clock manufacturers choose 9 minutes for some random reason and the rest followed thinking: "There must be a reason they choose 9 minutes, it sounds specific. Lets have our snooze be 9 minutes too."

Bitcoin is looking to replace world currency transactions by a secure peer-to-peer distributed network resistant to external attack through utilization of blah blah blah snooze. Dogecoin is going to the moon.

Snooze definitions


sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed)

See also: catnap


sleep lightly or for a short period of time

See also: drowse doze