Drowse in a sentence as a noun

I've been influenced by jetlag more than once and I can say hands-down the most effective and least cumbersome method I've found is just to take a Melatonin pill and drowse off to sleep 10 minutes later. If I'm still feeling it, I'd take another one before going to sleep the next night.

Drowse in a sentence as a verb

I haven't been drinking coffee very much at all during the pandemic, but that's because there is no risk if I drowse off at home. At work, if I didn't have my coffee I would be clonking off in every presentation, because who doesn't start feeling relaxed and tired in a dimly lit climate controlled room in a comfortable chair with nothing to do but sit in silence for a while?

Drowse definitions


a light fitful sleep

See also: doze


sleep lightly or for a short period of time

See also: snooze doze


be on the verge of sleeping; "The students were drowsing in the 8 AM class"