Catnap in a sentence as a noun

For little rest, the "art of the catnap" must be mastered.

It was no problem to go 48-72 hours without more than just a catnap or two. That was a decade ago.

They could go to bed at a decent hour but usually stay up late & catnap instead.

It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.

It replaces a much shorter catnap I used to take in the mid-afternoon, which I have been doing for some years. I no longer need to do that.

Catnap in a sentence as a verb

What are the other terms we can use for this phenomenon besides siesta, catnap, power nap, food coma et al?

What I read Fuller did was simply catnap whenever he felt the urge. I also heard he never slept regularly again after starting this.

I've no comment at all about the science etc behind the Brainwave Entrainment, I just use it as a good method to get a catnap. I'll sometimes set the alarm for 20-25 minutes just in case I go off to proper sleep but find I usually wake when the sounds stop.

Anecdotally, rather often the preferred stimulus category appears to be none of the above, but a catnap.

Catnap definitions


sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed)

See also: snooze


take a siesta; "She naps everyday after lunch for an hour"