Smidgeon in a sentence as a noun

I know a smidgeon of html and css.

My mom is German and I know a smidgeon, though I would not say I am fluent.

I'm sure you still have friends, and family that have some smidgeon of care for you.

I know a bit of conversational German because I lived in Germany and I have German relatives plus studied it on my own a smidgeon.

Point this article to any hot-shot developer... if they don't come away with a new smidgeon of self-doubt, slowly back away: he/she isn't worth working alongside.

Lots of self-congratulation all round with no sample questions to provide the merest smidgeon of 'reason to believe that this is that significant'.

For very rural areas, adding a smidgeon of electricity and a phone can be a hugely revolutionizing thing.

And Excel is one of the database formats typically compatible with standard software so with a smidgeon of luck you can probably kind of plug and play.

Could I suggest something a smidgeon less capital-intensive and ambitious for your first business?

In some agreement... According to an article on "color for developers" that was posted at some point on HN, one gets a better "pop" contrast if there is a smidgeon of color.

No matter how much somebody in the 1940s might have wished to set some type a smidgeon wider or narrower, that just wasn't possible until the advent of phototypesetting in the 60s, and 1940s designers would have subconsciously altered their designs to fit within the limitations of their technology.

But I certainly don't think of myself as a hacker or programmer and couldn't qualify for a job writing code, just like I know a little conversational German, can count to 10 in Russian, know a smattering of Spanish words and can read and write a smidgeon of French but I don't think I'm a linguist or even bilingual.

Smidgeon definitions


a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

See also: shred scintilla whit iota tittle smidgen smidgin smidge