Iota in a sentence as a noun

There is just no iota of ******** in him.

It vacuumed up every iota of my spare time and I received nothing in return.

I have simply lost confidence in the site, as I do not believe they respect my privacy one iota.

There's no substitute for an iota of determination here.

Are you at all, even one iota, familiar with the welfare system of the United States?

These paying customers could care one iota about Codd's 12 Rules, 3NF, and Chef/Puppet configuration.

We should by principal only give them as much power/money/information as necessary and not an iota more.

How was I supposed to know?The problem with being poor is that everybody else you know is poor and also doesn't have an iota how to get out of it.

If you're not the kind of person that can do even the most basic research of how cable companies operate, then I don't have one iota of confidence that you would be successful building one.

Welcome to HN, where showing your work gets you a "**** off", "scumbag", and "scum of the earth", all without an iota of positive feedback or constructive criticism!What a brilliant community, indeed!

They both get pigeon-holed as Apple apologists because Apple is the only major electronics manufacturer that seems to care one iota about these things, but when another company comes along and gets theses details right, neither Marco or Gruber will hesitate to praise them.

Just because every iota of every business flows through computers and even minor software projects can multiply the productivity of employees by an order of magnitude, that doesn't mean management should be expected to value IT in such a way that they actually are willing to pay significant amounts for it!

If you think that I have failed to give the PHP language, core library, and community the full iota of respect that they deserve, then I likewise believe that you fail to give Kemeny and Kurtz full respect for deciding in the early 60s that computing was going to be a universal right, and there needed to be a programming language, for non-programmers, that would let them unleash that potential.

Iota definitions


a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

See also: shred scintilla whit tittle smidgen smidgeon smidgin smidge


the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet