Smidgen in a sentence as a noun

Which is kind of the point, outweighs slowing cars down a smidgen.

Despite myself, I am just a smidgen excited.

A missile has a better chance of saving that soldiers life than a smidgen of morale.

It seems a smidgen complex, lots of features there, but as long as it has pattern matching and ADTs I'm happy.

"Or maybe it's your current self-aggrandizing now that you were given a smidgen of power.

>Yes, giving users even a smidgen of freedom like the GPL does is harmfulThe point is that it does not give them enough freedom.

But this time, I decided what the ****, why not try a smidgen of radical honesty and lay out my full, unfiltered, honest reaction.

I make my living with a combination of professional photography, videography, a smidgen of web design and some graphic design.

I can't count the number of times consumers, artists, and just about anyone with a smidgen of common sense were screaming out to the music execs "embrace digital you idiots!!!

The synchronization becomes a pain in the butt, even if you manage a smidgen more performance out of the ordeal, it isn't very reusable, so it is only a situational tool.

How about even a smidgen of a hint as to how he might separate out the impact of his two "causes" ?As you can guess I think the complete article is, as I summed it up as, "I don't get how they got these values, they must be wrong or bad or both.

Meanwhile, the central actors Bitcoin doesn't have who received the trust that Bitcoin doesn't require ran into a smidgen of trouble running the bank that Bitcoin makes obsolete and now their depositors that Bitcoin doesn't acknowledge are praying that the government that Bitcoin undermines will hit them with the legal process that Bitcoin structurally avoids.

Smidgen definitions


a tiny or scarcely detectable amount

See also: shred scintilla whit iota tittle smidgeon smidgin smidge