Unicameral in a sentence as an adjective

They started off as stylistic forms of a unicameral alphabet.

I've heard that the 3-year term is a check on the unicameral legislature and parliamentary system.

And it should be noted that many countries have abolished their upper house and become unicameral, and have continued to function just as well as before[1].

Is there any objective manner in which bicameral parliaments fare better than unicameral ones?

Israel's legislative branch is unicameral so the process itself is relatively straightforward; supposedly we'd be a good test case.

They both want a unicameral chamber and keep bandying around terms like "Sovreign will of the Scottish people" - which has worrying populist tones and a distinct lack of accountability.

That's meant as a scientific question meaning what was the locus from which the force strong enough to overcome not being bothered arose and how does a unicameral model better explain it?

I have to wonder if you'd feel this strongly about these particular principles if you knew about approval voting or what happens in countries with a unicameral parliament.

In which one should it be kept?Any theory of mind - unicameral, bicameral, polycameral - is naught but an hypothesis because the claim that there are such things as minds is itself an hypothesis.

Maybe there would be something like 1 senator/2 representatives?Or, if we kept the same 2 senators/state maybe we split high population states into smaller states so that we don't have huge gap between number or residents/senator?Personally, I think we should probably move in the unicameral direction.

> One more vote in the senate and they can pass a bill to do thisWhich would matter a lot more if the US had a unicameral legislature with no executive veto; the Senate passing a CRA bill shooting down the FCC repeal of open internet rules would be a potent symbol, but have no binding effect since it has near zero chance in the House and, doesn't have the supermajority in either chamber needed to survive a near-certain Presidential veto.

Unicameral definitions


composed of one legislative body