Slaveholder in a sentence as a noun

They knew it was wrong - specifically Jefferson spoke out often on how wrong it was - yet he too was a slaveholder.

Why can't an ex-slaveholder say that taking property isn't part of the proper sphere, and insist on getting compensation?

Everyone in the room knew they were having dinner with a pervert and slaveholder, but he was a philanthropic slaveholder.

To the contrary, slavery was, is, terribly efficient for the slaveholder.

Except insofar as you can trace wealth to certain slaveholder plantation fortunes, that assertion probably isn't true.

The non-slaveholders who want to eliminate slavery don't count, because they don't have a direct interest, in your analysis.

Someone with analogous views to yours says an abolitionist should become a slaveholder to be a more effective advocate for abolition.

This naturally causes us some dissonance; the classic example is Jefferson's devotion to liberty... as a slaveholder who personally ordered his slaves flogged [2].

Some of the arguments for the three fifths compromise were that slaveholders didn't want people who weren't "knowledgable" about slaveholding to be meddling in slaveholder's business.

And in reality the plan did benefit slaveholder interests -- certainly by the time Southerners were trying to conquer every piece of Latin American territory they could get their hands on to increase the slave vote they were conscious of these dynamics.

Slaveholder definitions


someone who holds slaves

See also: slaver