Signalize in a sentence as a verb

It is still aggravating when a signalized intersection lacks a left turn phase, "just because".

The game serving example could have been fixed by adding a channel to signalize that the game is finished.

It perhaps might signalize what programming can do, but I think it's hardly an effective learning environment.

Avalanche the expensive and experienced devs with more and more work until they signalize that the team requires upsizing, make them resign.

On top of this, there is the perpetual cost of the electrical power consumed in operating a signalized intersection 24 hours a day.

That study was specifically in the USA, whose signalized intersections are not really pedestrian-friendly to begin with.

I can imagine if they select for some dark-triad characteristics and going all-in, demonstrating cold/calculating/cruel moves while keeping paperwork clean signalizes the right person?

I would be interested to see how the comparison generalizes, for example a study of roundabout vs. signalized intersections in Denmark or Germany.

Whilst he shares with all mankind the gift of reason, and the moral sentiment, there is a teaching for him from within, which is leading him in a new path, and, the more it is trusted, separates and signalizes him, while it makes him more important and necessary to society.

If you compare how drivers and pedestrians interact in, say, a German city center, with how they interact in Atlanta, the German intersections give much more formal protection: more crosswalks have lights, whereas many Atlanta crosswalks are not signalized, and the lights will typically give at least a short fully protected period to cross, while the Atlanta ones leave you dodging left/right turning cars even on a 'walk' signal.

Signalize definitions


provide with traffic signals; "signalize a busy intersection"

See also: signalise


communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"

See also: sign signal signalise


point out carefully and clearly

See also: signalise


make conspicuous or noteworthy

See also: signalise distinguish