Signalise in a sentence as a verb

Also, those big signalised roundabout are terrible for pedestrians. It is ridiculous to make someone wait to cross every single feeder road.

>[Frank] Blackmore pursued this discovery, noting that the design was also superior to signalised junctions, following a Peterborough experiment where an extra 1,000 vehicles could be handled every hour by a new small roundabout at a previously signalised T-junction. He started to wonder if several small roundabouts could be linked to improve more complex junctions.

Signalise definitions


provide with traffic signals; "signalize a busy intersection"

See also: signalize


communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"

See also: sign signal signalize


point out carefully and clearly

See also: signalize


make conspicuous or noteworthy

See also: signalize distinguish