Shamble in a sentence as a noun

However, I feel like if it was "is a shamble" it would make more sense to me than "is a shambles".

He knew there was no cure, and lived every day with the understanding that death could shamble around the very next corner.

It's insanely expensive, and the Affordable Care Act is a terrible shamble of broken policy.

It persists because it allows airlines to shamble on without investing in the changes necessary to adopt better designs.

Yep, the rule of law argument is really only valid when the laws are not a shamble, otherwise you just come off as authoritarian as far as I can see.

Shamble in a sentence as a verb

They just shamble on and very slowly and incrementally incorporate the state-of-the-art, usually only in little pockets and niches.

I interpret that as, "zombie economy continues to shamble along according to plan".Now, going instantly another 500bln in the hole and rolling over that much more debt service every year is concrete.

I wouldn't go as far as generalizing all outsourcing efforts as dubious, but I do find it particularly shocking that government bodies deny assistance in a million dollar shamble.

The BBC is a true conservative institution, but the shamble in government aren't true conservativesThe "left", certainly the "remain" left, are publically saying the BBC should be shut down because of Question Time alone.

It's a gamble: stay with Slack and potentially be forced into an "Our Incredible Journey" migration in the future, or migrate now and shamble along until 40+ year old and profitable enterprise juggernaut Microsoft figures out how to make their product work right.

Shamble definitions


walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet; "from his shambling I assumed he was very old"

See also: shambling shuffle shuffling


walk by dragging one's feet; "he shuffled out of the room"; "We heard his feet shuffling down the hall"

See also: shuffle scuffle