Schmooze in a sentence as a noun

You need to showboat and schmooze into these places.

> Twitter is the place where I laugh, whine, work, schmooze, procrastinate, and flirt.

Here in the US, we have pharmaceutical salesman who come in and schmooze the staff to then get to the doctors.

For most, you'll need one whether to create the deck, go raise funding, sell customers, execute strategy, get PR, schmooze for connections, etc etc.

They do know how to schmooze and most importantly how to be persistent and by persistent I mean continually bothering people.

" Every Odessian teenager heard her famous "For those putzs who schmooze Russian in a goddam lame way: drop by and listen to mine!

If it's an expensive product, expect to have to schmooze clients with dinner and repeated meetings with growing audiences.

If you don't have the budget like IBM, Microsoft, etc. to schmooze with those with purchasing power, you can do what Atlassian does, which is sell from the bottom up.

On a one to five scoring system, across multiple categories!From a certain point of view it makes sense - how are they going to schmooze with clients if they can't schmooze with you, but... shudder

Schmooze in a sentence as a verb

Where it was discovered that indie game devs are being invested in by the people running indie game "competitions" who then hand them awards and schmooze "journalists" to hype their investments?

I've always wondered on "my startup is credible because I was on TC"...Wouldn't actual user count and other metrics be more credible than "I was able to schmooze to some editor"?

I never take offense to not being invited to a business event, even one held in-house, where management is looking to schmooze with potential investors, partners and clients.

Am I better off spending 500 hours focusing on learning to schmooze and network, or spending that 500 hours focusing on my technology skills and, notably, creating valuable product in that time?

The ability to schmooze is largely about communicating personal emotions and resonating with others in obvious ways.

I'll skip it if I know the day is going to be mostly social, or even if I know that I will have a meeting where my ability to schmooze is more important than my ability to focus and complete a task.

Most people seem to imagine this utopia of competition between the ride share companies, but given that Uber is already engaging in immortal practices to eliminate competition and hiring people to schmooze regulators, I doubt that's the direction we're headed.

If you want to sell software to an engineering giant or a global services firm with an employee count in six figures, you don't show up with a few web pages and an e-mail address, you send a CxO or two on a plane to their head office to schmooze them, and then you appoint an SVP whose only role is to lead a large team of sales and support staff dedicated to jumping when that customer says jump.

Schmooze definitions


an informal conversation

See also: chat confab confabulation schmoose


talk idly or casually and in a friendly way

See also: shmooze shmoose schmoose jawbone