Pharmaceutical in a sentence as a noun

" And what option does the pharmaceutical company have?

Canada can tell its pharmaceutical companies, "yeah, that cool drug you just invented, we're not gonna pay you what you want for that.

I used to be like Richard Posner, where I was generally against patents except for a few cases like pharmaceutical.

I spent 8 years in pharmaceutical industry R&D and this is so ill-informed I feel compelled to refute it every time someone says it.

Stepan Company actually sells the ******* to a pharmaceutical company, for use in medicine.

From the article:"Both the National Cancer Institute and several pharmaceutical companies declined to pay for the research.

It's not the case, as with pharmaceutical research, that R&D resources had to be spent to generate the idea, demonstrate its efficacy, and prove its safety.

Pharmaceutical in a sentence as an adjective

And it's what our patent system frustrates in a very profound way. I know the pharmaceutical industry is always brought up as the tough case against patent reform - the exception that "must" be made in any discussions tending towards to liberalization.

For instance, if scientists at a pharmaceutical company issue unfounded assurances that a drug is safer than it is in truth, consumers might have a reasonable case.

The "billions" figure does not represent actual R&D costs, which, in a shocking number of cases, represent single-digit percentages of pharmaceutical company budgets.

Do these "modern pharmaceutical manufacturing standards" actually buy us extra safety?

But they found fault with the homegrown production methods: Guha and his staff made the concoction themselves in his lab, and the WHO delegation found his facilities wanting by modern pharmaceutical manufacturing standards.

Being able to crack full disk encryption is vital for the prosecution of child porn and pharmaceutical spam barons, amongst othersPut in those terms, it seems that the trade-off between our right to privacy versus the needs of law enforcement is so ridiculously unbalanced that the law enforcement people ought to just slink away with their tails between their legs.

Pharmaceutical definitions


drug or medicine that is prepared or dispensed in pharmacies and used in medical treatment

See also: pharmaceutic


of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists; "the pharmaceutical industry"

See also: pharmaceutic


of or relating to drugs used in medical treatment