Confab in a sentence as a noun

Keith Alexander -- giving a keynote at the hacker confab, shows just how much tensions have mellowed.

Not being familiar with JavaZone, I am assuming that this must be a teaser for a short film to be played at a Java confab of some sort?

Confab in a sentence as a verb

They plan to produce larger rockets for the Mars project, but their current plan for those, per hints they've occasionally dribbled out at industry confabs, is to build a new factory near the launch site.

Specifically, according to those present at the confab, from September 1, any new website cert valid for more than 398 days will not be trusted by the Safari browser and instead rejected.

Confab definitions


an informal conversation

See also: chat confabulation schmooze schmoose


talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"


have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"

See also: confer confabulate consult