Savour in a sentence as a noun

I just got up to get a cold drink and i'm going to savour this properly.

Did he call Quake 2's campaign mode something to savour?

Stay firmly routed in the moment and savour it.

Not every meal is a gourmet experience that you savour with friends.

What if every meal is an experience to savour with friends and/or family?

I'll pay extra for the biggest, emptiest quietest theatre around to savour each moment.

Just close your eyes and savour the experiential experience.

The water is carbonated, so that you do not savour the drink but immediately try to gulp it down.

Savour in a sentence as a verb

I entirely agree that taking time to savour the moment is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Bertrand Russell found them contradictory and inconsistent, evidence of a "tired age" where "even real goods lose their savour".

I savour the irony of the systematic destruction of individual rights occurring under the PS' watch, arguably the "good guys" on that front.

Isn't [potential selection bias etc.] just as bad as [potential expectancy effects etc.]Wouldn't it hence be a little misleading to say "well, yeah, they didnt control properly, but savour the fact they had random assignment"?

Injuries, therefore, should be inflicted all at once, that their ill savour being less lasting may the less offend; whereas, benefits should be conferred little by little, that so they may be more fully relished.

You find it at Disneyland, where people flock to stroll up and down a Main Street just like the ones they abandoned wholesale in the 1950s for shopping malls. It happens at restored colonial villages like Williamsburg, Virginia, or Mystic, Connecticut, where visitors pay good money to savour the sort of tranquil village atmosphere that they long ago fled for the happy sprawl of suburbs.

Would you rather say:"your loss is terrible and only you can understand fully how deep the pain is; savour it and integrate it in your person- it will take years to recover and will eventually become a part of you"or would you rather say"hey, I understand, but it's not such a big deal after all- happened to me as well, you won't care in a year".The first seems to me the way to encourage everlasting trauma.

Savour definitions


the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

See also: relish flavor flavour sapidity savor smack tang


have flavor; taste of something

See also: taste savor


give taste to

See also: savor


taste appreciatively; "savor the soup"

See also: savor


derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; "She relished her fame and basked in her glory"

See also: enjoy bask relish savor