Bask in a sentence as a verb

Ask him to pay shipping, and bask in the good deed while you wait for your new machine.

", as if I should bask in the glory of their appreciation.

You'll bask in the experience of people who have already done this, and from their partners and connections.

By releasing a clone as open source, the copier gets to bask in the reflected glory of the original work.

Boomers who complain about us are really saying, "Why won't these kids slave away for peanuts, just to bask in our awesomeness?

Alternatively, be that celebrity yourself, so that people want to contribute to your site to bask in your reflected glow.

Feel free to bask in the glory of knowing pointers and monads like the back of your hand, and leave making useful apps and making money to PHP developers.

For some people, things come first in their life, and they surround themselves with people who will help them achieve those things, or ones who have already achieved them so they can bask in their glow.

Let's apply it in the simplest way possible, with little to no editing or afterthought, and then bask in the false confidence our data provides.

Lots of social sciences spent the whole 20th century pretending to be as rigorous as physics and chemistry, to bask in the reflected glow of progress.

I am specifically hoping you will bask in the study of 1930s Russian absurdist literature.

You can have all the money and time in the world, but true freedom is the ability to bask in every small moment of the day, revel in the experience and reflect on life as it happens.

On discussing the 2% of respondents who found the Clojure community to be a problem:...rather than simply bask in the awesomeness of the Clojure community, lets ask: is it possible to make that number be 0% next year?

" Talking about recent immigrant dialects is a cop-out.>it must be truly invigorating to get the rush of moral superiority you feel by pointing out perceived racismBashing people who point out possible moral failings in an enterprise as doing it in order to bask in a sense of moral superiority is about as intellectually vacuous as bashing people who point out logical or factual inconsistencies as elitist snobs or ivory tower eggheads.

Bask definitions


derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; "She relished her fame and basked in her glory"

See also: enjoy relish savor savour


be exposed; "The seals were basking in the sun"