Salary in a sentence as a noun

Let's say his market salary is $100,000 and he's being paid $50,000.

The median swiss salary is close to 6000CHF[1].

If you want to make millions in software, get a job writing code at a bank and invest your salary.

I didn't join for the six-figure salary - I turned down other offers that paid more at the time.

I interviewed with Facebook, and did very well, and was quickly offered a cool salary.

[1] Something like 20k per year in London, which is a **** salary after 6 years in University.

Just an easy way to drop your salary and indoctrinate you - scratch that - it's a god damn uniform - freedom be damned!

I'll tell other engineers that two weeks' salary is a piddly amount for the company for you to surrender such rights.

In an extreme case they might lose their job and take a reputation hit, but most likely they'll just leave and get a higher salary elsewhere.

I agree with the author on point 4 but I don't think more options are the answer, I should have just asked for a higher salary I would have been better off.

Where else can you not only get away with, but be rewarded with a good salary and a pension for hacking into the most secure systems on earth?

You pretty much have to resign yourself to the fact that you'll work at 50% of the salary as your peers or have to make your own future by starting your own companies and projects.

This situation is actually very simple, don't let it feel overcomplicated:Tell them you need an actual salary and actual health insurance in the next 30 days.

He's going to bust his *** to make the code work, for a salary half of his market rate, and in return he gets a tiny sliver of the company that gives him no real control, on a 4-year vesting cycle.

Salary definitions


something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings"

See also: wage earnings remuneration