Indoctrinate in a sentence as a verb

Your book should educate people, not indoctrinate them.

It helps indoctrinate newhires to the NI culture.

There is also a lot of repetition, as if the novel is simply trying to indoctrinate the reader.

I'm actually impressed at how slanted the title is. Using the words "cartel" and "indoctrinate" hits on two major scare points and we don't even have to read a word of the article.

Just an easy way to drop your salary and indoctrinate you - scratch that - it's a god damn uniform - freedom be damned!

And of course, they indoctrinate their children just as thoroughly as they were indoctrinated.

Literal battles were fought over who was going to take those children and indoctrinate them into one culture or another.

There are history books in existence written with deliberate lies mean to indoctrinate people in certain ways.

As a non-believer, I've never touched a sacred book and never will, and I don't understand the need to "indoctrinate" everything.

I find it impossible to talk about programming with people who would rather indoctrinate me on the benefits of their chosen language than talk about, say, data structures.

"Cartel" seems like a distortion to me, too, but "indoctrinate" seems like a perfectly valid label for the attempt to systematically teach small children to support a political stance.

Soviet leaders wanted such problems to indoctrinate Soviet ideology along with teaching mathematics, but only half of their wishes came true: students learned mathematics, but got rid of the Soviet rule.

"Meanwhile back on campus, every effort is made to indoctrinate thousands of students and send them out as an army of "individuals" to do heroic things in the service of those who people at Stanford are expected to support.

How young can a child learn to program?While I'm not ready to indoctrinate my four-year-old into the monkhood of true geekery while he's getting in his prime running around time, I was curious to see how logically he could think.

It may be the circles I run in but the people I know who homeschool do so for the 'There is No Speed Limit' effect rather than to indoctrinate their kids with some religious belief or insulate them from ideas that conflict with such religious indoctrination.

Indoctrinate definitions


teach doctrines to; teach uncritically; "The Moonies indoctrinate their disciples"