Aglet in a sentence as a noun

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called 'aglets'.

You could search for "shoelace" or "end of shoelace" and find a picture of an aglet.

From aglet[1] to uvula[2], and now Hofmeister kink.

Those are called aglets, and when I just now googled for “aglet manufacturers”, I got way more hits than I expected.

Really?Maybe it's environment specific, but bloom filters seem to be the "an aglet is the plastic thing at the end of a shoelace" of CS, ie., the "little know fact" that everyone knows.

On the other hand, there may be an investor out there, somewhere, who just happens to have an aglet company in his portfolio that would make your shoelaces a billion dollar company.

Aglet definitions


metal or plastic sheath over the end of a shoelace or ribbon

See also: aiglet


ornamental tagged cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform

See also: aiglet aiguilette