Rive in a sentence as a verb

What do you think about chat script and rive script?

If you need to rive a 5cm length in twain and you don't like fractions.

> If you need to rive a 5cm length in twain and you don't like fractions125/127 is as much of a fraction as 1/2.

They can make loads of profit selling commodity hardware that the Dell's of the world make only 5-10% margins on simply by fanning the flames of rabid fanboyism.> Question: have you driven a BMW?

Contact info - this will be difficult for you but as a user, I want the phone number for any park I am looking at to make sure the river is in navigable condition or to find the parking rates.

If you are interested in learning more about the cultural differences especially around children education, there is a great book written by a French psychoanalyst, now living in the US called l'Autre rive.

That being said, I would never say that I received a tangible benefit from those cars and could never justify buying one for myself along any rational lines.>But by all means, cling to your unfounded prejudices about BMW drivers and Mac users.

Rive definitions


tear or be torn violently; "The curtain ripped from top to bottom"; "pull the cooked chicken into strips"

See also: rend pull


separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument; "cleave the bone"

See also: cleave split