Rabid in a sentence as an adjective

Worse than rabid Apple fanboys in the 90s.

90% Apple market share wouldn't be particularly good, even for the most rabid Apple fans.

I would absolutely not want some rabid HR ferret demanding to paw through my private Facebook account.

They skipped that step, and went straight on to "rabid racism".That they apparently had no idea what a Hindu is doesn't make it one bit better.

If negative articles about Apple weren't such rabid click bait, this wouldn't be needed as it would be part of the reporting process.

If you're a rabid fanboy who wanted Steve Job's platform to have a monopoly on mobile, it's depressing for you, but it's liberating for everyone else.

That was a mistake, not only is it bad form, I don't think that my characterization is appropriate at this time, as that database's fans are not as rabid as I imply.

There are a lot of rabid anti-Microsoft developers on HN but generally I find the latest Microsoft tools stack up well to the competition.

I don't know how anyone but one of the most rabid Apple fanbois could even make such a claim, or expect from them to mention that other products look similar to Apple's products in every story.

A community of seemingly intelligent and rational individuals turns into the most rabid, emotionally-charged group of catty girls I've ever seen.

"If they're a Republican, they'll be offended and go away"Or possibly they just don't like rabid partisans who are incapable of discussing any subject outside their personal political beliefs.

Likewise, a rabid Family Guy viewer is probably not an "animated comedy fan," barring a very tiny and borderline-insignificant segment who is.

Maybe I was raised by a bunch of rabid dogs...But after reading the cached page... I really don't understand what the creator did wrong?He was a guy that I a lot of people can identify with, whom is publishing a book about his experiences?Is seduction intrinsically bad?

I'm not quite as rabid as a lot of HN commenters are about this entire issue, but the following passage is near-comical:Balancing the competing interests at stake, the Government has taken a number of significant steps -- above and beyond what the law requires -- in order to promote transparency and accommodate the the legitimate interests of companies.

Rabid definitions


of or infected by rabies


marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea; "rabid isolationist"

See also: fanatic fanatical overzealous