Riot in a sentence as a noun

If you want results, riot in the streets.

The guards came in riot gear to tackle him, but he was so slippery it was like trying to catch an eel.

' There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, 'cool' about a riot.

If watching a video cause you urges to start rioting and harm people, maybe it's not the video that's the problem.

In order for a riot to occur there must be some sort of event that acts as a Schelling point or catalyst.

News of the riot spreads via the news channels of the day - tv, internet, twitter, etc - and the riot snowballs.

It's all set up so that if there is a problem, some poor schmuck gets hauled before an investigative committee to get the riot act read to them.

Riot in a sentence as a verb

Police, some outfitted in riot gear, others in military fatigues, barricaded the streets.

They are now named Landsbanki, Arion bank and Islandsbanki respectively.-- While I agree that there was protest I think that using the word "riot" is overkill.

How about to ******* riot and repel this policy?So far, the reaction on intrusion of privacy by the government from the people was to circumvent it, go underground.

I mean, any historical proof that rioting will make change?You know, Tunisia went on a relatively peaceful revolution and now we have less freedom and more problems/unemployment.

If the police are outnumbered, and only allowed to manually arrest with handcuffs, then the rioters will go wild, and even more rioters will join as they realize they suffer no consequence for their actions.

If I organize a riot involving thousands of people that I manage to incite into killing people, and I claim my reason is that I heard that some guy is Glasgow made fun of the American soccer team over beer... that guy is Glasgow is not the real reason.

Riot definitions


a public act of violence by an unruly mob


a state of disorder involving group violence

See also: rioting


a joke that seems extremely funny

See also: sidesplitter howler thigh-slapper scream


a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

See also: orgy debauch debauchery saturnalia bacchanal bacchanalia


take part in a riot; disturb the public peace by engaging in a riot; "Students were rioting everywhere in 1968"


engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"

See also: carouse roister