Orgy in a sentence as a noun

I'd called it confusing orgy of style and content.

So it is legal to have a public sex orgy in a museum in the US?

Hmm maybe in this sense this project represent well Vegas... an orgy of fake.

For some reason i was convinced that this could be caused by some sort of giant public orgy.

Over\n the winter, Myers bred it in another greenhouse orgy, then\n sent it back to farmers.

The Keynesian orgy of "growth" has biased us toward spending these reserves foolishly.

Once Reddit turned into a liberal orgy I left and found HN which for a long time haven't been occupied by political discussions.

This time around, people seem to be blaming the guy who rented out the apartment [2].Aside from the shift in time and the "orgy" angle, the situations are identical.

I was hoping this would be an indictment of Dixon's remarks by pointing out that there's a lot more in the world than the passion-or-cash fueled Candy Land nerd orgy that is the world of startups.

Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.

The result of this isn't a utopia of good government and sound policy, it's an orgy of hyper-localism.>Political parties are organized, for better and for worse, around clashing visions of what's better for America.

Even if the energy problem is technically solvable, it seems to me that our political systems may be set up to do the absolute worst possible thing in this area: ride the fossil fuel crash into the ground in an orgy of war and despotism.

Is this covered by Airbnb's insurer, or is Airbnb paying this out of pocket because it turned into a social media blowup and it's worth eating the loss?There's just something about this comedian's indignant attitude that is a real turn off...the way he carefully worded his original post to make it sound like the orgy actually took place, omitting the details that made it clear he prevented the party.

However, there are host of other problems here.-A lot of bad jokes are going to create false positives, which will make teaching staff ignore the warnings they do receive.-The odds are rather high that a kid will post an orgy of pre-meditations and then do something horrible, but this contractor will either miss it or his warning will be ignored.-Kids don't like being spied on and will use social networks that aren't monitored.

Orgy definitions


any act of immoderate indulgence; "an orgy of shopping"; "an emotional binge"; "a splurge of spending"

See also: binge splurge


secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities involving singing and dancing and drinking and sexual activity


a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

See also: debauch debauchery saturnalia riot bacchanal bacchanalia