Carouse in a sentence as a noun

Every time you use a carousel, a kitten dies.

You should drop it from the carousel, IMO.- Not urgent, but you should work on the YSlow score.

"Website Manager: "Okay, we'll put you in the carousel.

" is the first question you ask when designing a site, you should never end up with "carousel banners!

This is by far my biggest gripe with SF .Sometimes I want to carouse until 4am and follow that up Korean food.

He proceeds to tell me that he knows 'how boys are' because he partied and caroused when he was younger, before he found 'the Lord'.

Carouse in a sentence as a verb

There comes a snapping point where a carousel is suggested to avoid insanity.

And just act like a normal person and not carouse like an idiot having brunch exclusively with your well-heeled friends?

I've been waiting and hoping for the anti-carousel movement to gain cultural traction among web developers for some time.

Cities tend to be noisy but that doesn't mean everyone should take an attitude of "There are sirens and noise anyway, so honk your horn and carouse at 3 in the morning all you want.

Guys please ditch the carousel terrible way to convey information when the initial and first piece of information I am trying to absorb is moving around.

Carouse definitions


revelry in drinking; a merry drinking party

See also: carousal bender toot booze-up


engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking; "They were out carousing last night"

See also: roister riot