Bacchanalia in a sentence as a noun

It's just difficult to pull off a tasteful bacchanalia.

Readable for at least this line:"Summary: This case may well be the benchmark for jury bacchanalia.

It, frankly, needs to be an 'adult' thing, not juvenile and bacchanalian as it is perceived to be today.

Can't wait to join a distributed computing bacchanalia.

******* stop it with the mandatory fun. I love a beer with the crew as much as anyone but turning every single potential social gathering into a bacchanalian ****-fest or making alcohol as available as possible inside the office just isn't motivating.

I see no reason why I should support a materialist bacchanalia of blood red and evergreen worshiping a pagan monstrosity trafficking in impish minions to tempt and subvert good Christian hearts from the simple truth of salvation and redemption."Sparkle"?

Bacchanalia definitions


an orgiastic festival in ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus (= Bacchus)

See also: Dionysia Bacchanalia


a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

See also: orgy debauch debauchery saturnalia riot bacchanal