Revive in a sentence as a verb

Have they revived anyone yet?Even more to the point, why would they revive you?

No amount of money will buy you a Star Trek Transporter, nor will it revive dead people or let you live forever.

Basically, what this UKS attack mostly does is revive a session resumption attack Marsh Ray found a couple years ago. Alice can connect to Bob; Bob demands a client certificate from Alice.

I think some of the fun ones are really old but even a couple are very recent:* In the good old days HD's would die and people would bring them to me hoping I could revive them.

I've been studying machine learning and DSP for most of the last year and it's done a lot more to revive my passion for programming than learning another new language could have.

Wouldn't it make more sense to revive FireGPG[1] and, while you're at it, port it to all other major browsers?I am still disappointed that PGP in the browser never gained traction.

Of course he is the company cheerleader to some extent but Microsoft’s tradition of innovation is hard to even detect, much less celebrate or revive.

After 1945, racial science became politically unacceptable in western liberal democracies, and remains so in spite of the various attempts to revive it.

In the current situation, we need to revive not only calculus, but also algebra, geometry, and the whole idea that mathematics is a rigorous, cumulative discipline in which each mathematician stands on the shoulders of giants.

Shouldn't they have, at least, the option to fund local talent and revive their own economies, instead of having it all sent West into an investment vehicle that hasn't earned its keep since the late 1990s?At any rate, I don't know how to solve this problem, but kudos to the OP for drawing attention to it.

Revive definitions


cause to regain consciousness; "The doctors revived the comatose man"

See also: resuscitate


give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"

See also: animate recreate reanimate renovate repair quicken vivify revivify


be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength; "Interest in ESP revived"


restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"; "He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"

See also: resurrect


return to consciousness; "The patient came to quickly"; "She revived after the doctor gave her an injection"

See also: resuscitate