Resumption in a sentence as a noun

The second is the session resumption form, which skips the public-key exchange.

The only purpose of session resumption is performance, right?

Will the next 20 years see the resumption of the WW2-through-1990s performance level, or will they look more like the past 20 years, with middling to flat returns?

Was Amazon ever vulnerable to session resumption attacks?I have no direct knowledge.

Basically, what this UKS attack mostly does is revive a session resumption attack Marsh Ray found a couple years ago. Alice can connect to Bob; Bob demands a client certificate from Alice.

Exception models have been analyzed extensively for about 40 years, what you're referring to is the "resumption model".

Was Amazon ever vulnerable to session resumption attacks?

Browsers can implement a locally encrypted resumption store where the user entered entropy never touches the network to resume a session on the same machine.

This is probably because of a rumor that some small withdrawals have been going through but baring an announcement from the company of a full resumption I wouldn't be jumping on this bandwagon.

"History gives us plenty of episodes of deflationary growth, such as America after the civil war during resumption of the metallic standard.

You stop doing something long enough and, despite having schematics and documentation around, nobody is left that actually knows how to do it. See for example the retirement of the Space Shuttle and the resumption of classical capsule-based spacecraft, we're still in the process of re-learning a lot of knowledge we already gained during the Apollo era.

* Coroutines are one of those things that I think are easier to understand and write in Asm - a yield looks much like a call but you pop the return address off the stack and save it somewhere, so the next call basically becomes a jump to the resumption point.

* Mutually authenticated without invoking TLS corner case subprotocols like client certificates and session resumption.

And we know those 8,000 years of civilization using metallic money were not all "economically disastrous".History gives us plenty of episodes of deflationary growth, such as America after the civil war during resumption of the metallic standard.

Resumption definitions


beginning again

See also: recommencement