Vivify in a sentence as a verb

Com/vivify/ ] is another good one that takes the opposite approach: Show you code snippets from different languages at once and switch the colorscheme. You can also quickly scrub through the schemes and edit them to create your own.

Being able to build up complex data structures without having to use explicit references, where something completely different would auto-vivify itself if I used the wrong sigil.

Here, let me take an easy example: Federalist Paper #12, written in 1787, from my copy of "Charters of Freedom": > By multiplying the means of gratification, by promoting the introduction and circulation of the precious metals, those darling objects of human avarice and enterprise, it serves to vivify and invigorate the channels of industry, and to make them flow with greater activity and copiousness. That's beautiful writing.

Vivify definitions


give new life or energy to; "A hot soup will revive me"; "This will renovate my spirits"; "This treatment repaired my health"

See also: animate recreate reanimate revive renovate repair quicken revivify


make more striking or animated; "his remarks always vivify an otherwise dull story"