Restaurateur in a sentence as a noun

Ask any restaurateur on Yelp, anyone with an app on any App Store, etc. It's absurd but just part of the deal at this point in time.

It’s the exact same kind of mistake as lending to a wannabe restaurateur whose restaurant fails. You lent money to someone who couldn’t abide by the terms of the loan.

Not a restaurateur, but I'd imagine they would be most interested in how you handle negative reviews. Couldn't find info on how you guys handle that.

Great, but if I'm a restaurateur presumably my till will dump something like this at the end of the day? I get the impression that at the moment you're selling an answer, not the answer to a posed question.

As a restaurateur I've been watching with fascination as this debate rages in our industry. The payments side is the most beneficial part of it, all the rest of the processes still require a human touch.

As a restaurateur I love the idea, but shouldn't the service be the same? A good manager isn't waiting for a server to report being undertipped, but actively looking to fill holes that service may have missed.

As a former Seattleite I think there is a decent chance this is just another one of restaurateur Ivar Haglund's futuristic adds like the Billboards for submarines [1]. Perhaps a literal acer of clams.

A friend who's a successful restaurateur loved cooking and loved her customers, so she busted her *** to make things awesome for them. That love was returned by a devoted customer base and great word-of-mouth marketing.

I don't think this is a case of the farmer taking credit for the success of a great chef, this is more an example of a chef having great influence over a restaurateur.

But his job only exists because of heavy investment by the restaurateur. And that sous chef should still pay his taxes just like everybody else, because restaurants are heavily dependent on civic infrastructure.

As a restaurateur/chef for many years this is a passion, but I can't see it getting fixed anytime soon, even with the gastro-activism we're starting to see now. Any of you smart app builders looking to disrupt something mind crushingly difficult, look at food.

As a restaurateur, for example, you mostly need to convince willing consumers to come to your restaurant instead of your competition. A tech startup has to convince customers that they need to spend money on an entirely new category of product.

Medicine is just a special case because doctors generally won't lose their license for killing the occasional patient, whereas, say, a restaurateur probably would.

Similarly, I'm not sure that providing reviews is obviously a good thing for a restaurateur - they hardly want to show you negative reviews of their dishes, and if they only show the positive ones it's obviously useless. I sort of see what he means about people saying when things suck, but surely if the restaurant knows one of their dishes is **** they'd be better off fixing or removing it than showing it with poor reviews.

Restaurateur definitions


the proprietor of a restaurant

See also: restauranter