Compelling in a sentence as an adjective

There were compelling arguments about going down this road - or not.

]All that being said, I also don't find their negative result to be particular compelling.

They are sufficient for convincing me. I'm not going to pretend like they present a compelling argument.

Airbnb has a compelling business proposition with an obvious Achilles heel.

There are no significant roadblocks to caring for and maintaining QWidget for as long as the Qt community sees fit. At the same time, Qt Quick offers some compelling advantages and is likely to evolve as well.

Instead of continuously converging on what the customer finds compelling, you go forward alone."Nonsense.

"Trust us" is not a compelling requirement for doing business, nor can businesses limit themselves only to relying on service providers that they trust.

The jury is basically told that the patent is presumed valid unless they can clearly find compelling evidence to invalidate.

Maybe that's all accounted for in their paper in a compelling way, but I honestly don't see any way they could ever argue for more than a very limited negative result.

There is no deep parsing - the model does simple keyword matching and slot filling, and it turns out that with some clever engineering, this is enough to make a very compelling system.

A more compelling solution is to create incentive structures that encourage "bad executives" to be good ones, such as incentives which outweigh the short-term gains gotten by reducing, say, IT spending.

Its combination of high-level expressiveness with low-level control is unique, and for many use cases where you'd previously use C or C++, I think Rust is a compelling alternative.

Yet, while doing just that and limiting his ruling to the particular facts before him, Judge Alsup has provided a definitive and logically compelling approach to how such issues are to be decided where they concern APIs and copyright and such reasoning is, in my view, destined to be widely applied throughout the court system going forward.

Compelling definitions


driving or forcing; "compelling ambition"


tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument; "new and compelling evidence"