Repetition in a sentence as a noun

So a good software designer must ask him- or herself: why code repetition is a bad thing?

Automatic repetition of values in smaller arrays when combined with arrays of larger size.

The teachers don't understand what they're teaching themselves, so they confuse memorization and repetition with learning.

But that is just about the only icing on this cake, other than that there needs to be some real hard work done to set this right and to do what can be done to avoid a repetition in the future.

After reading all the comments posted here till now, I see that they are almost all about foreign language learning, with few mentioning other applications of spaced repetition systems.

They have 4 versions of a single game "Star Traders RPG".I wouldn't look at update frequency or an algo fluke as the culprit, but look how I could remedy this apparent repetition, both in game versions and game descriptions.

I too take the general principles I am taught and go through a process of exercise selection, exercise ordering, repetition and set layout, rest period selection and then sprinkle in modifications.

Repetition definitions


an event that repeats; "the events today were a repeat of yesterday's"

See also: repeat


the act of doing or performing again

See also: repeating


the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical device