Repeating in a sentence as a noun

It's mentioned in the article, but worth repeating.

MZ was repeating himself a lot these days... except his frame of reference had gotten bigger.

I'm repeating myself, but in every single one of these patent trolling cases:Name.

A quote by Joseph Goebbels:"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

While this is great for the mother if two kids are successful, the other ten will end up repeating what she did and the cycle will continue ten-fold.

He is writing all these pages upon pages of stuff repeating the same mantra, relating to his favorite history channel shows, etc.

And regardless of how well the name of the man behind _why is or isnt known, I also disapprove of repeating it in the article, it was not necessary to the story at all.

"If your team cannot reasonably solo-close $100k in revenue by repeating your current model, which I allocate a very non-trivial percentage of the probability space to, you do not actually have a revenue model yet. I'd have a hard look at my bank account and say "Can we figure out a revenue model before I get thrown out of my apartment for non-payment of rent?

""Successfully repeating this experiment in poor black and latino populations a few times would go a long ways towards convincing the skeptical... "I'm all in favor of repeating the experiment in whatever populations, ideally the general one on a large enough sample size to tease out demographic information.

Repeating definitions


the act of doing or performing again

See also: repetition