Registry in a sentence as a noun

There is no link to the registry in the start menu.

You can't do syscalls to use sockets or files or the Windows registry.

This is a huge reason to use registry protection services.

Fortunately, I was a matching sibling so we didn't have to look in any registry.

Violators would be placed on a terrorist registry.

Then then are core pieces of Windows which are incredibly shitty -- in fact, there are registry entries that /nobody knows what they do/.

You wanna be the guy to repeal the broken sex offender registry laws and be perceived as on the side of rapists and pedophiles?

But I spent my days and evenings with countless families who had a loved one undergoing chemo, while just waiting hopelessly to see if they could find a matching donor in a registry.

That only comes into effect after you've submitted the transfer request to the registry, and if you haven't received an email to authorize the transfer request then you aren't at that point yet.

Windows has to be simple enough for the least computer literate person to use, but flexible enough for you to configure anything you can imagine via the registry or command line.

We examine key areas of the Windows registry for any signs of infection; we use other trusted tools to check running processes; we check for unexplained network activity; we check for modified files; we check for overall system performance.

Generating and modifying unix config files programmatically has been happening for nearly half a centurythe only reason a web daemon has an API in windows is because the windows registry is opaque, error-prone and in general, a giant piece of ****.

Registry definitions


an official written record of names or events or transactions

See also: register