Polemic in a sentence as a noun

This is a terrible, polemic and content-free post.

A startup blogger writes a polemic with a blatantly baiting headline.

The sketch artist could have intentionally drawn the women as slightly disproportionate from reality just to make this piece more polemic.

\nHowever, despite its polemic nature, it is a worthwhile read, a representative neo-Marxist critique, that you won't often find on HN.

The cambrian explosion is really interesting but I'd rather read about the thing itself, not framed as a polemic against creationism.

Polemic in a sentence as an adjective

ValleyWag is probably auto-banned because it is generally low quality polemic stuff.

It's great realizing, when reading a 35 year old polemic, that the chief issue with its criticisms was that it allocated WAY too little probability space to the outcome "worse than even we think it will be." For example, the debate in the article is between optimists who think the shuttle will hit 70 flights a year and pessimists who said 20.

Do you disagree with this polemic?It's pretty specific and clear: it argues that plenty of startups are successful with virtually no design at all, with interfaces as clunky as "clients call us on the phone" or "emailing spreadsheets back and forth".

It is not anti-Islam polemic...The person is very dear to me, and I was only pointing how there is a clear dissonance between values, even in the same person...The Bible is also full of things that most people dislike, and I am fine with them.

Polemic definitions


a writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology)

See also: polemicist polemist


a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma)


of or involving dispute or controversy

See also: polemical