Daemon in a sentence as a noun

You store this diff in a directory that the iCloud daemon is syncing.

The long and short of this is for DNS purposes, a custom daemon is almost never the answer.

If you're upgrading a library on which multiple daemons rely, they will also get restarted.

Guix produces such derivations, which are then interpreted by the daemon to perform the build.

Technically, Guix makes remote procedure calls to the nix-worker daemon to perform operations on the store.

Guix & Nix ~~~~~~~~~~ Nix is really two things: a package build tool, implemented by a library and daemon, and a special-purpose programming language.

For example if a daemon crashes, with most init systems you have to restart it manually or hook it to some external monitoring system.

We have to explcitly set `oom_adj` on the important daemons to prevent the machines from becoming unresponsive because of a bad OOM decision.

We do of course do local caching of gconf data in each process and we preload it in chunks, however during login the gconf daemon was acting as a serialization point for all processes that were starting up.

I've cobbled together my own rc daemon scripts from time to time; I'm not sure how that will work with systemd. I'm also seeing lots of ugly and persistent problems in NetworkMangler and whatever they're using for core audio these days; I'm a little gobsmacked that, rather than fixing those problems, some people decided to replace the init system.

FreeBSD's implementation handles pretty much everything the daemon writer themself would want to -- it sets the signal handlers and masks appropriately, double forks, creates a session, sets PIDs unless you tell it not to, and changes to the root directory unless you tell it not to.

Generating and modifying unix config files programmatically has been happening for nearly half a centurythe only reason a web daemon has an API in windows is because the windows registry is opaque, error-prone and in general, a giant piece of ****.

However, it was discovered that placing several withdrawals all in practically the same instant meant each request was processed at more-or-less the same time, resulting in a negative balance but "valid insertions into the database, which then get picked up by the withdrawal daemon.

Though he lampshades this towards the end, he still gets it wrong - the SNI extensions to TLS allow secured virtual hosting on recent browsers - but not older ones, where it simply just doesn't work.> if I accidentally leave a daemon running on my server, it's not automatically a security holeNo.

Daemon definitions


an evil supernatural being

See also: devil fiend demon daimon


a person who is part mortal and part god

See also: demigod