Rationalist in a sentence as a noun

This rationalist will win. PS If y'all have more articles like this, let me know.

Her perspective seemed very rationalist-consequentialist. I think it was something vaguely like this: > Woman in a room of 200 men?

I'm personally happy that HN often takes an analytical, rationalist point of view, rather than an emotional one like eg. Reddit tends to do.

It's sad how the inclusiveness and tolerance of the modern rationalist ends abruptly at religion.

There's a reason phrases like "strong opinions, weakly held" become popular in rationalist circles. It's an emphasis on better decision making.

From a rationalist perspecive, the ad is justified. He is effectively capturing the majority of the market possible through adwords.

Basically, you stepped into a community that heavily leans atheist and rationalist, stated an opinion based on religion that the community disagrees with, and said that this makes you feel like an outsider. All I can say is, duh.

Rationalist in a sentence as an adjective

The rules of discourse are completely different from the logical/rationalist discourse you may be used to. Who is speaking matters more than what is said, and those not in a protected class aren't allowed to disagree with progressive ideas, however gently, if their disagreement is "hurtful".

A true rationalist looks at the empirical evidence regardless of ideological opinions. You may not "like" the fact that teacher's unions are widespread in many countries which outrank the USA in education.

The perception is that the rationalist scientific project is under attack by people who try to sell scientifically false statements. Off the top of my head I can name climate change deniers, anti-vaccination activists and creationists as members of a perceived cabal of enemies of scientific progress.

Why does someone self-identify as a rationalist? I'll just speak for myself in answering your question. Other people who self-identify as rationalists may have other reasons. I self-identify as a rationalist because, after a lifetime of being curious and wanting to know what is true, I have found rationalism a powerful instrumental means of discovering truth.

Consequently, the ideal of detachment and the separation of reason from emotion that the rationalist world view promotes have been instrumental in constructing gendered aspects of the social order, in particular the subjectivities of Western privileged white men."

Or to put it another way, the rationalist's notion of a missing link as expounded in the headline is as dependent upon the logic of the Great Chain of Being as that of an Ussherian creationist - their disagreement is large, but mainly resides in what constitutes the relevant details of a teleological account and the criteria for acceptance is the plausibility of the account to the individual and the intellectual communities to which they belong.

Quote Examples using Rationalist

Unfortunately, one of my social IRC channels - one which used to revolve primarily around respect for emotions - got invaded by a certain well-known rationalist Internet community. Immediately, where channel operators hadn't been required for the past four years, they were left having to enforce simple rules on the new people, which they inevitably argued against. Every other week, there are serious issues involving violation of social etiquette. Now, this isn't a problem with "aspies", as some might think. The channel, before this, had a remarkably high concentration of people with aspergers, and some with autism. This is a problem with people who honestly do not see emotions as a thing that they should care about. That is the rationalist movement at its core, for all they talk about, from my perspective.


Rationalist definitions


someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes

See also: positivist


of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism; "rationalist philosophy"