Positivist in a sentence as a noun

" It not nearly as rational and positivist as you would think.

"Those who were never born" doesn't strike me as a concept with much logical positivist value.

That's a positivist perspective on research and knowledge.

Should we say Europe only tolerated science when it followed God, or positivist secularism?

Logical positivism doesn't strike me as a concept with much logical positivist value.

It's far better to treat something however you can than to hold off for some logical positivist verification of your claim.--------------But, you've said a lot about what other people think.

Positivist in a sentence as an adjective

I dislike the modern neo-positivist tendency to call everything an "accident.

On one hand, you don't want to be a fatalist that gives up after the first failure; but on the other, you don't want to be a hard-headed and obnoxious positivist that doesn't acknowledge failure when it's staring them in the face.

Don't logical positivists usually assuming only testable assertions are meaningful?

Science doesn’t follow a mythic positivist ideal but the plural scientific methods described by Feyerabend: a mixture of empiricism, flights of fancy, intuition, aesthetics, doggedness, and jealousy.

The sentence you quote is definitely not ridicule, but simply an accurate description of Coster-Mullen's approach, I certainly don't think the Samuels was intending to criticize a positivist worldview and most certainly not to be "corrosively anti-geek.

"I will read the reference, however, to those of us in Europe, please remember that this methodology resembles a group of earnest steam punks analysing flies in amber with brass and ebony microscopes on an ice floe that is breaking up... I'm suggesting that we suspect positivist descriptions do not capture the important values in education.

Positivist definitions


someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes

See also: rationalist


of or relating to positivism; "positivist thinkers"; "positivist doctrine"; "positive philosophy"

See also: positivistic positive